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hilly coufreur

Hilly is an artist who works mainly in oils and loves using bold, vibrant colours. She uses a palette knife and thick buttery oil paints to abstract the landscape. She paints ‘Plein Air’ which means outside with her little easel and paints. But occasionally she’ll paint in her studio using her plein air paintings as reference.

Hilly was born in Holland and trained as a primary school teacher. After marrying Jos they decided to move to New Zealand. There they brought up 4 children and when all four of them moved to Perth a few years ago, they decided to follow. They now live and work near Donnybrook.

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"Autumn On The Farm 8"

"Autumn On The Farm 8"

23cm x 23cm Oil $450

"Autumn On The Farm 1"

"Autumn On The Farm 1"

23cm x 23cm Oil $450

About Our Gallery

Gallery Aura is original and stylish, featuring a diverse and colourful range of art works created by leading Western Australian artists.

100 Albany Highway
Kojonup, Western Australia, 6395
Tel: + 61 8 9831 0480

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